Screenshot of a video of the incident with Alikhan Tsakaev at the Gerzel checkpoint between Dagestan and Chechnya

19 April 2024, 21:08

Kadyrov demands dismissals from Dagestani authorities after incident with his general

The head of Chechnya has treated the incident with Alikhan Tsakaev, the head of the Chechen Ministry for Emergencies (MfE), as a provocation and demanded that the leadership of Dagestan to fire those who forcibly pulled the minister out of his car.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that on April 14, in Dagestan, traffic police inspectors harshly detained the minister Major General Alikhan Tsakaev, who was also Ramzan Kadyrov's classmate.

As follows from the video of the detention, at least six law enforcers dragged the man out of his SUV and laid him face down on the asphalt. He resisted. According to the "Podyom" outlet, the traffic inspectors had suspected that the driver was drunk. The driver refused to stop when asked, turned the car around and tried to run into the inspectors.

"A shameful provocation was committed against Alikhan Tsakaev, the head of the main department for Chechnya of the Russian MfE," the head of Chechnya has written in his Telegram channel.

The above law enforcers tried to detain Tsakaev in the rudest manner, Kadyrov has stated. "All these actions were conducted without explanations ... He had no service ID and uniforms with him, because he left on his day off," Ramzan Kadyrov wrote.

Kadyrov demanded from Dagestani leadership to fire the law enforcers involved in Tsakaev's detention.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on April 18, 2024 at 06:10 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Source: Caucasian Knot

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