
All Chechnya News

July 24, 2024 23:55

  • Analysts treat Chechen authorities' demands for apologies as selective

    Vakhid Ilyasov's apologies for the incident on a Mariupol beach were caused by the pressure of Chechen authorities, while those from Ramzan Kadyrov's retinue rarely apologize for much more serious offences, analysts have pointed out, noting that not all incidents involving natives of Chechnya committed at resorts attract attention of republic's authorities.

July 24, 2024 23:33

July 24, 2024 22:10

  • Kadyrov instructs State Duma member Delimkhanov to protect “Wildberries” Company

    The leader of Chechnya promised Vladislav Bakalchuk, a husband of the richest woman in Russia, that he would not let the Bakalchuk family be destroyed and would “go to the end” to stop the raider takeover of the “Wildberries” Company. Ramzan Kadyrov announced that he had given instructions on the case to Russian State Duma member Adam Delimkhanov.

July 24, 2024 17:55

July 22, 2024 21:45

July 21, 2024 21:57

July 19, 2024 23:16

July 18, 2024 19:45

July 17, 2024 21:09

  • Blogger from Dagestan apologizes for mocking over Christian cross

    A native of Dagestan living in Moscow has made a public apology to believers for trampling on a Christian cross during a live broadcast on the Internet. He has stated that he fell victim to a provocation. Commentators in social networks demanded that the streamer be punished and recalled the beating of Nikita Zhuravel by Ramzan Kadyrov's son for burning down the Koran.

July 16, 2024 23:58

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