08 June 2024, 19:51

Man convicted for assassination attempt on Chechen Premier Daudov wins at ECtHR

The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has found a right violation to adequate medical care of Idris Mezhidov, a native of Chechnya, who was convicted within the case of the 2009 attempt on the life of Magomed Daudov. While serving his term in colony, Mezhidov, who suffers from tuberculosis, for more than four years was trying to achieve medical examination and surgery.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that three 19-year-old residents of the village of Avtury, Shali District of Chechnya, were accused of blowing up the car of the head of the local police station in August 2009; at that time the post was occupied by Magomed Daudov, the current head of the Chechen government (Premier). As a result, his driver, a policeman, was wounded.

Then, human rights defenders pointed out inconsistencies in this case. Also, the photos evidencing that the detainees had been tortured disappeared the case files.

In the colony located in the city of Chita, Mezhidov, who is sick with tuberculosis, have repeatedly drawn doctors' attention to the fact that his treatment was inefficient and the disease was progressing. But they paid attention to his requests only in 2017, when his advocate intervened in the case. The doctor recommended surgery, but Mezhidov was sent for surgery to the Arkhangelsk prison hospital only seven months later; and surgery was made four months later, says the Telegram channel entitled "First Transbaikalia Rights Defender".

The ECtHR has awarded Idris Mezhidov compensation of EUR 15,000.

He was convicted on charges of participation in an illegal armed formation (IAF), illegal weapons circulation, intentional destruction of someone's property and encroachment on the life of a law enforcer. The court sentenced him to 14 years of freedom deprivation.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on June 7, 2024 at 11:32 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Source: Caucasian Knot

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