

December 21, 2016 22:54

  • Albert Voskanyan. Photo: http://nashasreda.ru/albert-voskanyan/ Albert Zavenovich Voskanyan

    In 2015, the social activist Albert Voskanyan achieved the resumption of monitoring the penitentiary establishments of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR). He defended prisoners’ rights and was engaged in activities of social rehabilitation of former prisoners.

December 21, 2016 22:47

  • Dina Alborova. Photo: http://www.arnews.ru/news/1615055.html Dina Alborova

    Over a long period of time, Dina Alborova, an activist and political analyst, has fought for the rights of non-government organizations (NGOs) of South Ossetia, which were under pressure from the authorities.

December 21, 2016 22:40

  • Gela Nikolaishvili. Photo: Mzia Saganelidze (RFE/RL) Gela Nikolaishvili

    Gela Nikolaishvili was nominated for the “Hero of the Caucasus-2015” contest of the “Caucasian Knot” for achieving particular results in helping people.

December 21, 2016 22:38

  • Tamta Mikeladze. Photo: http://dfwatch.net/did-the-police-action-on-may-26-comply-with-international-standards-98798-3072/tamta-mikeladze-1 Tamta Mikeladze

    In 2015, Tamta Mikeladze, a lawyer from Ajara and an employee of the NGO “Centre for Training and Human Rights Monitoring”; defended the interests of the owner of the children’s Muslim boarding school in Kobuleti, the closure of which was demanded by local residents; also, she acted as advocate of the LGBT activists, detained in Tbilisi on May 17, 2014, on charge of resisting the police.

December 11, 2016 04:32

  • Zaurbiy Chundyshko. Photo: http://tuapsepress.com/full.php?id=680 Zaurbiy Turkubievich Chundyshko

    In 2015, Zaurbiy Chundyshko, a public figure from Adygea, held a solo picket in memory of Judy Maf, an 11-year-old Circassian girl, who lived with her parents in the Adyg village of Marj Alsultan and was killed in Syria on September 26. The aim of the picket was to attract attention to the problem of repatriation of Circassians from Syria, where over 200,000 Circassians live.

December 11, 2016 04:31

  • Igor Stenin. Photo by Elena Grebenyuk for the 'Caucasian Knot'. Igor Anatolievich Stenin

    In 2015, Igor Stenin, a public activist from Astrakhan, openly stated rights violations of Russian residents of the region and organized an action in support of the rights of the Russian population.

December 11, 2016 04:28

  • Valery Dyakonov. Photo: DonNews.ru Valery Petrovich Dyakonov

    In 2015, Valery Dyakonov, a public activist from the Rostov Region protected the rights of deceived citizens, who received in the city clinical hospital invalid certificates for obtaining driver's licenses. Also in 2015, Mr Dyakonov achieved the issuance of overalls and payment wages in full to the ambulance staff.

December 11, 2016 04:28

  • Semyon Ateev. Photo: http://ekgazeta.ru/articles/1130-mezhdu-nami-zabor Semyon Nikolaevich Ateev

    In 2015, human rights defender Semyon Ateev publicly criticized the national policy in Kalmykia; he stated the infringement of the rights of the Kalmyk language.

December 11, 2016 04:24

  • Alexander Saveliev. Photo: http://golos-kubani.ru/ Alexander Valerievich Saveliev

    In 2015, Alexander Saveliev, an activist of the "Environmental Watch for Northern Caucasus" (EcoWatch) from Krasnodar, a blogger and rights defender, supported the political prisoner and ecologist Evgeny Vitishko, and fought against the capture of territories and unauthorized waste dumping.

December 11, 2016 04:23

  • Valery Kotelnikov. Photo by Vladimir Titov Valery Vladimirovich Kotelnikov

    In 2015, Valery Kotelnikov from Volgograd was addressing the problems of illegal city development and preservation of architectural monuments.

November 30, 2016 16:26

  • Toma Tsechoeva Toma Tsechoeva

    Toma Tsechoeva, an Ingush human rights defender, protected the rights of Magomed Aushev, who had been tortured by law enforcers after his detention on suspicion of opening fire from a car of a wedding cortege.

November 30, 2016 16:19

  • Alaudi Musaev. Photo by Magomed Tuayev for the ‘Caucasian Knot’. Alaudi Nazhmudinovich Musaev

    In 2015, the lawyer Alaudi Musaev defended the rights of Kurman-Ali Baichorov, the Imam from the city of Kislovodsk, openly stating the lawlessness of power agents. He filed a complaint to the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) aiming to defend Baichorov’s rights. He managed to achieve the Imam’s release under the recognisance not to leave.

November 30, 2016 15:33

  • Ruslan Dauev. Photo from personal archive. Ruslan Elbrusovich Dauev

    In 2015, Ruslan Dauev, a lawyer from Vladikavkaz, defended the rights of the family of Ruslan Tskaev, detained on suspicion of attempted murder of a policeman, who died due to abuse of power of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA). As a result, 10 current MIA employees have been already attracted to criminal liability.

November 30, 2016 15:25

  • Khachim Zheligashtov. Photo from personal page in http://vk.com Khachim Anatolievich Zheligashtov

    In 2015, Khachim Zheligashtov, a public figure from the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR), helped repatriates from Syria and low-income families in the KBR. He organized several charity actions.

November 30, 2016 15:19

  • Ruslan Martagov. Photo: RFE/RL Ruslan Magomedovich Martagov

    In 2015, Ruslan Martagov, a political analyst from Chechnya, made a number of statements on arbitrariness of the authorities of the Chechen Republic and persecutions of the dissent.

November 30, 2016 15:15

  • Ruslan Kambiev. Photo: RFE/RL Ruslan Khadji-Muratovich Kambiev

    In 2015, Ruslan Kambiev, a blogger and human rights defender, initiated the creation of an independent North-Caucasian expert-analytical centre, which united human rights defenders, journalists and public activists of the North-Caucasian Federal District (NCFD) and other regions of the country. Mr Kambiev openly stated pressure by the authorities on public activists, the formation of "manual" councils and public chambers in regions, which fail to raise real problems of interest to the society.

September 15, 2016 17:40

September 15, 2016 16:21

September 09, 2016 23:53

September 09, 2016 18:13

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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