A police officer. Photo © Yelena Sineok. Yuga.ru

06 July 2019, 08:30

Kadyrov's initiative highlights problems with checkpoint efficiency in the Caucasus

The head of the region is not authorized to remove a post of federal forces, but the expediency of many checkpoints (known as KPP) in Northern Caucasus is questionable. This was stated by retired law enforcers after Ramzan Kadyrov's appeal to liquidate such KPP in the Achkhoi-Martan District of Chechnya.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that on July 1, during an attack on the above KPP, a policeman was killed. Kadyrov has demanded to remove this checkpoint at place of the attack, since it has no "strategic" value.

The responsibility for the attack was claimed by the "Islamic State" (IS), a terrorist organization banned in Russia by the court; however, former law enforcers suggest that the IS has made the statement for the purpose of self-promotion.

Sergey Goncharov, the president of the International Association of Veterans of the "Alpha" Anti-Terrorist Division, has noted that the head of the region cannot liquidate the checkpoint, which is subordinate to the federal centre.

Gennady Gudkov, a retired FSB colonel, has pointed out that road checkpoints are no longer a major obstacle for militants.

In December 2018, Ramzan Kadyrov called for the removal of all KPPs between the regions of Northern Caucasus, since they "are virtually of no help."

However, the NGO named "Mothers of Beslan" has opposed this initiative, calling the checkpoints a sort of security guarantees.

The Kadyrov's call to remove the KPPs was rejected by Moscow because of the threat of terror acts and law enforcers' distrust of the head of Chechnya, experts believe.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on July 5, 2019 at 11:48 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Author: Rustam Djalilov Source: CK correspondent

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