Participants of the action to honour the deportation victims, held in the Novolaksky District of Dagestan. Screenshot of the video posted on the Instagram* (the activities of the Meta Company, owning Instagram, are banned in Russia) account "Auh media" on February 23, 2024

24 February 2024, 22:16

Participants of the action in Dagestani Novokuli honour deportation victims

Every Chechen family suffered from deportation, participants in the action held in the Novolaksky District of Dagestan have stated. According to their stories, the memory about the Vainakhs' deportation and about victims thereof is transferred from generation to generation.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that on the 80th anniversary of Stalin's deportation of Vainakhs (Chechens and Ingushes), the public organization "Aukh" announced Muslim commemoration rites to be held in the Novolaksky District of Dagestan. The local prosecutor's office has warned the organizers against unsanctioned rallies and pickets.

At the action, residents of the Novolaksky District have noted that they had to remind authorities of the need for complete territorial and political rehabilitation of the Chechen nation.

More than 2000 people took part in memorial prayers in memory of the victims of Vainakhs' deportation, Arbi Batyrsultanov, the head of the Public Council of Chechens in Dagestan, has stated. According to his story, all Chechens have relatives who had suffered from repressions.

The story of the 82-year-old Yakhmat, who fell victim to deportation at the age of two, has touched many of those present. "My mother died at hospital there, and she was left alone ... She was adopted by a party worker. She grew up in his family, searched for her relatives for a long time and finally found them. Today she was at a meeting with her two daughters," said her nephew Shamsudin.

According to his story, Yakhmat has one desire – that this never happens to anyone.

In Chechen families, February 23 is a day of great tragedy, Umar said.

"I am from the third generation. Then, my grandfather and grandmother were deported along with their families. Fortunately, they returned to their homeland, but not all of our relatives succeeded. We always remember this and tell each other stories about the deportation," Umar has emphasized.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on February 22, 2024 at 06:56 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Author: Roman Kuzhev Source: СK correspondent

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