About Russian influence in the South Caucasus 7 topics и 2 messages
Dec 17, 2012 13:19
In mass-media we more and more often come across different articles which say that nowadays the influence of Russia in the South Caucasus is weakening. Isitreallyso? Andisitgoodorbad? Let`s talk about it! |
Dec 17, 2012 13:25
I wouldn`t say that Russia loses its influence. Look at its military bases in Abkhasia, South Ossetia, Armenia. They are completely staffed, equipped and have modern military technics and weapons. |
Dec 17, 2012 13:46
Such small countries as Armenia, Abkhasia, South Ossetia, can`t exist without protection of major powers. If Russia leaves our region, the USA will come here. Isitbetter? I doubt... The thing is that for our countries the very fact of presence of Russian Army is the guarantor of our sovereignty and independence. |
Mar 13, 2019 16:04
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