One of the young men who apologized for dancing at the entrance to Grozny. Screenshot of the post on Instagram*

24 October 2022, 23:55

Chechen social media users call predictable apologies for dance of a young man in a dress

Public apologies from young people for a man dancing in a pink dress at the entrance to Grozny were expected, Instagram* users noted.

The “Caucasian Knot” has reported that on October 22, a video was posted on the Internet with an apology to Muslims, voiced by a young man for dancing in a pink dress at the entrance to Grozny. Two of his acquaintances involved in the filming of the dance also apologized “to all Muslims.”

The video with the young people’s apologies was posted on Instagram*.

“I’m glad that they were found and forced to apologize,” user a_amish_01 admitted. “Let them know that we don’t like stupid jokes,” user soja_niemcova added.

Several social media users were surprised that the young people apologized standing on their knees. “Why did they force them on the knees? That was unnecessary ... A person should be on the knees only before the Almighty,” user bohtar84 noted.

User isaac, a reader of the “Caucasian Knot”, also drew his attention to the posted video. The user believes that it was the Kadyrov’s people who found the guys and forced them to apologize.

“One of those guys has got a clear bruise under his eye. Probably ‘educational measures’ included the use of brute force,” the user wrote in his comment.

*On March 21, the Tverskoi Court of Moscow banned the activities in Russia of the Meta Company, owning Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, in connection with extremist activities.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on October 23, 2022 at 01:57 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Source: Caucasian Knot

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