19 March 2008, 22:14
Ren-TV: address of Ingush deputies to Russian authorities looks like denunciation
The website of the Ren-TV Channel has placed a reaction to the request of Ingush MPs to stop broadcasting of the Channel in the territory of the Republic. The TV people remind the Ingush authorities that the laws of Russia operate in the whole territory of the country.
"Russia is a uniform state, and the laws, including those on mass media, are in force over the whole territory of the country," the TV Channel comments the request of the Ingush deputies to stop the Channel in Ingushetia.
Besides, Vadim Mekertychev, the author of the quoted news item, has reminded the Ingush authorities that the leader of the Republic had promised to take the investigation of the beating of the Ren-TV filming group in Ingushetia. "Meanwhile, nothing is known about any, even preliminary results," the message states.
The TV people believe that the anger of the Ingush deputies was generated by the movie by Dmitri Yasminov "Ingushetia. Disagreement Kin" out of the new cycle of programs of the TV Channel named "Reporter's Stories".