12 January 2010, 12:00
Adygea: Adygs prepare suit against dispersal of Adyge Dzhegu dance
In Adygea, Adyg society is indignant with the dispersal by militiamen on the New Year night in Maikop, the republic's capital, of the collective national dance Adyge Dzhegu. The social movement named "Adyge Khasse" is going to lodge a claim on this suppressive action.
The incident took place in the central square Maikop, where 30 festively dressed girls and about 50 young men rallied together. A lot of parents also came to watch the dance with their preschool children.
At half past midnight, when a circle of about 100 persons grouped around the accordion player and his accompaniment, employees of the militia of the city's public safety appeared and interfered.
"Militiamen not just approached, presented themselves, etc. They appeared running with their sub-machine guns, and immediately, with shouts and insults attacked those, who, in their opinion, were the organizers of the action. The sense of their actions and utterances was that it was not allowed dancing there," Nurbi Emtyl, a journalist of the republic's newspaper "Voice of Adyg", who was present there, told the "Natpress" Agency.
The people were indignant and kept asking about whose order the power agents were executing. One of the militiamen answered that they had received an oral order "from above"; however, he refused to tell from whom.
So far, there is no information about the reaction of the authorities of Adygea and Adyg public to the described incident with dispersal of the Adyge Dzhegu in Maikop.