18 March 2010, 21:40

One of the militants killed in Chechnya was responsible for Umarov's security, says Kadyrov

One of the militants killed in the course of a special operation in Vedeno district of Chechnya was Abu Khaled, a well-known leader of militants who was responsible for the security of Dokku Umarov, stated Chechen president Ramzan Kadyrov.

The "Caucasian Knot" reported earlier that the special operation against members of armed underground in the Vedeno district started on March 17. According to the latest data, six alleged militants have been killed. In the course of the combat operation near the village of Khadji-Yurt three participants of the special operation were killed and two wounded. The district where the armed conflict took place is blocked by units of the Chechen Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) and Interior troops of Russian MIA.

"I have just had a report that the identity of one of the killed militants has been established - it is citizen of a Middle East country. It is Aby Khaled, an Arab by nationality," stated before journalists today president of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov who had arrived to the place of operation in the mountains of Vedeno district.

He noted that, according to operational data, Abu Khaled had arrived to the Chechen Republic 13 years ago and dealt with technical and psychological training of terrorists, reports "Interfax". "Having special training, he managed to hide in the mountains for many years," noted Kadyrov.

The republic's leader assesses the liquidation of Abu Khaled as a "significant result". According to Kadyrov, "during the recent years, the main role on preparing terrorist acts in the Chechen Republic mountains has been played by Abu Khaled, Mukhanad and Yasir. Now, measures are being undertaken on the liquidation of the latter two," reports ITAR-TASS.

The operation goes on. Magomed Daudov, deputy chairman of the Chechen government, and Ruslan Alkhanov, head of MIA department for Chechnya, stay at the place of its conduct.

Meanwhile, one of the sites supporting Chechen separatists reports that the losses of the power authorities in Vedeno district are bigger than the authorities report. It claims that at least 4 persons were killed on March 17 morning, several more soldiers were killed in subsequent clashes, and a large number of wounded were brought to the hospital in Shalinsk. According to the data of the separatists, the separatists' group is about 80 people strong, while only two were killed.

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