Mountains in Ingushetia. Photo by Timur Ziev

15 June 2020, 16:36

Constitution amendments on federal territories worry North-Caucasian activists

The amendments to the Russian Constitution will not change Russians' lives for the better, activists in Southern Russia believe. In their opinion, the voting outcomes can be easily falsified. Activists in Northern Caucasus are also concerned about the amendment formulations on federal territories.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, set July 1, 2020, as the voting date on constitutional amendments.

The amendments are offending national sentiments and assume the power non-changeability, opponents to the amendments are sure.

Osman Ozdoev, a member of the Council of Teips of the Republic of Ingushetia, considers it inappropriate to vote for the amendments to the Constitution. In his opinion, "if amendments are adopted, Putin will solve his main problem – the succession of power."

Aneta Gadieva, the deputy chair of "Beslan Mothers" organization, treats the amendment "On the state-forming nation" to be discriminatory, because "it's not clear what the status of other Russia's nations will be."

She also criticized the amendment "On Unity, God and Historical Truth."

Ruslan Totrov, the editor of the "OsNova" portal, has treated the nullification of president's terms in office as "the most unconstitutional decision."

Khalil Khalilov, an economist at the "Real Politics" Foundation, is against the amendments because of the mentioning of God and granting privileges to the president after his resignation.

According to Vladimir Kruglyakov, a Volgograd resident, the aim of the amendments is "a lifelong retention of power by Putin and his retinue."

Vasily Volynsky, a student, is confident that the amendments "are aimed at the abolition of the independence and irremovability of judges."

According to Semyon Ateev, a human rights defender, the greatest indignation was caused by "the priority of Russian legislation over the international law."

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on June 15, 2020 at 05:45 am MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Author: Valery Lyugaev, Tatyana Gantimurova, Anna Gritsevich, Luiza Orazaeva, Emma Marzoeva, Oleg Ionov, Tatyana Filimonova, Badma Byurchiev Source: CK correspondents

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