14 August 2008, 13:01

Kokoity and Bagapsh sign in Moscow the document on settling their conflicts with Georgia

Today in the Kremlin, in the presence of Russian President Dmitri Medvedev, Presidents of South Ossetia and Abkhazia Eduard Kokoity and Sergey Bagapsh have signed six principles of settling the conflicts in Georgia.

Within the next few days, the delegation of France is planning to bring a new draft resolution on Georgia to the members of the UN Security Council; it is based on the conflict settlement plan, offered by President of France Nicolas Sarkozy to Presidents of Russia and Georgia and coordinated in Moscow.

The principles, as formulated in the plan, include, in particular, a refusal to use force, ceasefire, free access to humanitarian aid, return of Georgian armed formations to the places of their permanent disposition, and withdrawal of Russian troops to the line prior to the start of warfare. President of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili has earlier accepted five out of six points of the plan. The sixth point (on the status of non-recognized republics) was amended.

Leader of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity said after signing the document: "We support Russia's efforts and are ready to sign this document." According to his words, "it will be another demonstration to the world that South Ossetia wants no war." Mr Kokoity has expressed his huge gratitude to Russia, which, as he said, has prevented liquidation of the people of South Ossetia. The President has imposed responsibility for the genocide of the population of the non-recognized republic not only on Georgia, but also on the USA and the countries of Europe, the "Interfax" reports.

According to RIA "Novosti", Dmitri Medvedev expressed Moscow's support to any choice of the people of South Ossetia and Abkhazia of the status of these republics. "The position of the Russian Federation is constant: we'll support any decision to be made by the people of South Ossetia and Abkhazia according to the UN Charter, the 1966 International Convention and the Helsinki Act on Security and Cooperation in Europe," Russian leader has stated.

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