14 September 2007, 18:31
Three dead Chechen girls found in Polish mountains
In the Bieszczady mountain massif near the border with Ukraine, Polish frontier guards detained an illegal woman from Chechnya with a baby in her arms, and then found bodies of three Chechen girls not far from the mountain border, the "Gazeta.Ru" reports.
The woman was wandering in the mountains for several days. She told the guards that she had left her three daughters somewhere in the mountains. After a search undertaken by the frontier guards, the dead girls aged 6, 10 and 13 were found in the place indicated by the woman.
The reason of their death is not quite clear yet. The mother has evidenced that the family had spent four days in the cold mountains.
The information of the Associated Press remarks that the border section that the illegal migrants tried to cross is very complicated. Besides, it is raining and snowing hard in the mountains for several days already.