01 July 2009, 12:00
8 peaceful residents wounded in Dagestan by explosion at police station
As a result of shelling and blowing up of a car near the militia station of the city of Derbent, one militiaman was killed in situ and four others received wounds of various gravity. Witnesses say that 8 peaceful residents were wounded.
Today, at about 00:10 a.m. Moscow time, unidentified persons opened fire from two sides on the building of the City Interior Department of the city of Derbent. At about 2:00 a.m. Moscow time militants triggered a bomb, placed in a car that was parked near the Department. The car explosion was initiated at the moment, when operative agents were examining the place of shelling.
The car had been earlier hijacked, and militiamen found the body of its owner - a local taxi driver - in the luggage compartment. The blast wave damaged the adjacent houses located in the 345th Rifle Division Street, as reported by the RIA "Dagestan".