21 March 2008, 14:27

Experts: Moscow takes the lead by number of attacks on natives from Caucasus and Central Asia

Attacks on natives from Caucasus and Central Asia in the cities of Russia become more violent. It was stated by the participants of the press conference "Xenophobic Moods in Russian Youth Take Form of Epidemic", held today, on the All-European Day against Racism, at the Independent Press Centre in Moscow.

Journalists were addressed by: Levon Mukoyan from the Association of Youth of the Union of Armenians of Russia; Ashot Airapetyan from the Centre of Interethnic Cooperation; Olga Abramenko, Director of St-Petersburg Anti-Discrimination Centre "Memorial"; Natalia Yudina from the SOVA Information and Analytical Centre, and Elena Dudukina, a representative of the Youth Human Rights Movement from the city of Voronezh.

The speakers have noted the noticeable growth of xenophobic moods in the Russian society, especially among the youth. As they said, more and more often people with non-Slavic appearance are beaten and killed in the streets. Teenagers, starting from 12 years of age, are frequently involved into groupings of Nazis. Propaganda of hatred is rapidly growing in the Internet. The people who are using the nationalist rhetoric strive for power by using local and federal elections for this purpose.

Natalia Yudina has informed that, according to the SOVA Centre, nationality-motivated attacks have recently become more violent. Nazis now try not to beat but to kill their victims. At the same time, the place of the so-called "leader" by the number of Nazis' attacks has passed over from St-Petersburg to Moscow. Here, Nazis during the winter of 2007-2008 killed 24 persons - the natives from Caucasus, Central Asia and China.

Author: Dmitri Zykov, CK correspondent

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